Securite Assurance Logo


your car is a valuable asset, and we're here to give value back in case of damage or loss

A car insurance is your safety net. It relieves you from the worries that result from accidents. We offer different plans to meet your needs and to keep you from paying large sums from your own pocket. Get a rewarding experience with our plans and explore what best fits your needs.

Motor All Risk

We offer you four plans to suit your needs: Regular, Elite, Infinite. Our plans are designed for every driver and depending on your car value. 

50/50 All Risk

Ourr heavily discounted all risk product, where you pay half the premium and in case of no claims, you will not be required to pay the other half.

TPL Bodily Injury & Material Damage

Our Third Party Liability product covers both material losses and bodily injuries caused to third parties.


Our collision plans allows you to be covered for accidents with known third parties.

Total loss for private vehicles and total loss for commercial vehicles

Our Total Loss product covers your car and your liability towards others in case of a large accident.

For more info please contact your licensed broker or agent, or call us on our 24/7 hotline 1534 or leave your contact details below and we will call you back: